When Should You Seek a Child Support Modification?
Child Support Modification Lawyers
If there has been an unanticipated substantial change in circumstances from when a Court entered an order for child support, you may wish to request a child support modification. Nothing is set in stone, and the court can change a child support order or judgment if a judge finds that the substantial change was not anticipated at the time of the Child Support Order and that the modification is in the child’s best interests. When you fill out a court order modification, the form must be completed in blue or black ink and signed before a notary public or deputy clerk. The modification must be filed where the original order was entered, but if it was entered in another state or the children live in another state, you may wish to speak with a Winter Springs divorce lawyer at John M. Iriye P.A.
Child Support Modification Law
There are two forms of child support modifications: temporary modifications and permanent modifications. Examples of temporary modification of child support include a child’s medical emergency, a child supporter’s inability to pay the necessary amount of money (perhaps due to an illness or a temporary additional financial burden), or a temporary financial or medical hardship on the part of the recipient parent. A parent may wish to file for a permanent court order modification when they either lose a job or experience job changes that bring about a significantly different income, if a parent remarries and the new spouse’s income increase the household income significantly, if the cost of living increases, either parent becomes disabled, if a child’s needs change, or if child support laws change. A permanent modification can remain in effect until child support is no longer needed or until the order is once again modified.
Back Child Support
If you miss child support payments, then you will owe back child support, also known as arrears, and arrears must be paid—regardless of your financial state. The moment you realize you cannot pay the amount of child support stated in the court order, please seek an attorney’s assistance to obtain a child support modification hearing. To avoid missing child support payments, contact the Winter Springs divorce attorney at John M. Iriye P.A. An attorney at the firm can help a parent petition for a court order modification, as well as assist with other family law issues.