Collaborative Divorce Lawyer from Winter Springs
Why attempt a Collaborative Divorce?
Are you in the process of preparing to divorce? Do you and your spouse wish to keep your finances private? Is it important for you to minimize the impact of your divorce on your children? You should schedule a consultation so that you can determine whether a collaborative divorce might be right for you.
In Florida, there is a process called the Collaborative Divorce process, which has been recognized by many Courts. The Collaborative Divorce process is designed to facilitate the divorce process by reducing hostility and expenses, and by promoting fair agreements between the parties. In the Central Florida area, the Collaborative Divorce process begins with the formation of a professional team, which includes a neutral mental health professional, a neutral financial professional, and an attorney for each party. If the professional team requires additional input on an issue, such information from a property appraiser, then others will be added as necessary.
There are many advantages to a collaborative divorce and an experienced Winter Springs divorce lawyer from our firm would be happy to take the time to answer your questions and discuss your needs and options as they relate to a collaborative divorce. The process that is used by Collaborative Divorce attorneys, or Florida amicable divorce attorneys, helps to prevent inflammation of an already tense situation.
We understand that the process of divorce can be a difficult, time consuming and expensive experience. The Collaborative Divorce process can be a very effective alternative to a traditional divorce, and may help to cut down on both the time and expense that can accompany a traditional divorce. If you choose to use the collaborative divorce method, both you and your attorney and your spouse and his/her attorney will begin by signing a participation agreement. This document states that all parties are committed to exerting their best effort to resolving all divorce related issues outside of court including the:
calculation of child support;
agreements for child custody;
visitation and time-sharing;
payments for spousal support; and
property division.
A Collaborative Divorce Can Help you Avoid Litigation
A collaborative divorce also gives both spouses the opportunity to control all of the aspects of their divorce rather than allowing the courts to make these decisions for them. If an occasion should arise whereby one or both parties are unable to proceed with constructive negotiations due to personal animosity or mistrust, a divorce coach is available to counsel him/her in an effort to get beyond whatever personal issues are obstructing the negotiations. In the event that all divorce issues cannot be resolved through the collaborative divorce process, then any unresolved issues will have to be decided in court. At this point both spouses must obtain new legal representation in order to finish the divorce process. A collaborative divorce can offer advantages over a traditional divorce, and choosing a proven and knowledgeable attorney with whom you are able to establish a good working relationship becomes of the upmost importance during this type of divorce.
Trying to decide which direction to go when seeking a divorce can be confusing and overwhelming. At John M. Iriye, P.A. we are committed to bringing you the necessary legal representation that not only addresses your concerns, but to make the process as comfortable and stress-free as possible for you. We have over 15 years of experience in representing clients in all areas of family law, and our top priority is advocating for a successful outcome of your legal challenge.
Contact a Collaborative Divorce attorney from our firm today to learn more about a Florida amicable divorce lawyers.